Hotkeys in Google Chrome

Chrome has an impressive set of hotkeys, numbering several dozen. We will mention only a limited set of the most useful ones from our point of view for Windows, which can be used most often and thereby significantly increase the speed of work in Google Chrome.

It is worth noting that the keyboard shortcuts for basic operations are specified in the menu to the right of most items. You can familiarize yourself with the complete list of combinations for all supported operating systems by following this link.

Feature Keyboard Shortcut
Open a new tab Ctrl + T (regular) / Ctrl + Shift + N (incognito)
Close active tab Ctrl + W / Ctrl+F4
Switch to tab #: 1-8 Ctrl + 1 (first), Ctrl + 2 (second) … Ctrl+8 (eighth)
Switch to last tab Ctrl + 9
Next/Previous tab Ctrl + TAB / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Website Page
Refresh page F5, Ctrl + R / Shift + F5 (with cache clearing)
Page navigation Space, PgUp, PgDn
Scroll to top/bottom Home (to top), End (to bottom)
Search on page Ctrl + F, F3
Internet search Ctrl + E, Ctrl + K
Page zoom Ctrl and + (zoom in), Ctrl and - (zoom out), Ctrl and 0 (reset)
Save page Ctrl + S
Main Modules
Open menu Alt + E, Alt + F
Downloads list Ctrl + J
History Ctrl + H
Bookmarks bar Ctrl + Shift + B
Create bookmark Ctrl + D
Fullscreen mode F11
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