Google Chrome Guide

Google Chrome is a fast, secure, and deeply integrated browser with services from the eponymous company. It is built on the open-source Chromium project, which is developed by numerous IT giants from various countries. As the modern web browser takes on one of the main roles among computer and smartphone applications, Chrome already has and continually adds new features. It can confidently be said that any top browser has long surpassed the boundary of being a mere tool for viewing websites and their pages. Partly for this reason, this resource was created to make it easier for both novice and experienced users to understand both the basic and more specific features of the program.

Google Chrome what's new window

The main section of the website is Guides, which consists of structured materials on various topics related to using Chrome. The majority of the text is aimed at the Windows version of the product, but the Android version has not been neglected either. Several separate pages are dedicated to downloading application distributions for different platforms—both regular and portable versions. Since our main goal is to provide the most comprehensive coverage of the browser’s functionality, we are always open to your comments, questions, or clarifications.