Приватность в Google Chrome

Google Chrome, like any modern browser, can save data entered on websites and use it later for autofill, saving you time. This feature allows the browser to remember logins, passwords, payment information, email addresses, and more. However, not all users appreciate this behavior. Some find it intrusive and may prefer to disable automatic form filling.
Usually, by an anonymizer in Google Chrome, we mean such an extension that allows you to change your real external IP address to a virtual one, often for a specific country. In other words, to disguise your initial network access source as much as possible. Such a solution may be needed in many cases, as there are plenty of different blockages – political resources, video services, payment systems.
VPN extensions
VPN extensions, actually proxies, are gaining popularity in recent years due to the growing number of website blockages in many countries. If your internet provider does not allow you to access a particular address or even openly warns that access is closed, you have to look for alternative ways to visit the necessary resource on the web.
The incognito mode in browsers has long become a mandatory feature, especially in light of increased attention to your, albeit usually anonymized, data by statistics and marketing services. After all, not everyone wants to be bombarded with similar services on various websites after searching, for example, for “Spanish courses”. For ad-blocking, there are alternative tools, while the incognito mode in Google Chrome can be used simply when you do not want to save your browsing history or authentication data.