Home button in Google Chrome

Chrome has a feature that adds a home button to the left of the address bar. Depending on the settings, it can be in three states – disabled, when the button is hidden, leading to a blank new tab, or opening a pre-defined URL address.

In this example Home button will open custom web address

At the moment, it can be said that the “Home button” is more of an atavism. It’s no coincidence that this feature is disabled by default and exists in Chrome settings as a tribute to browser traditions.

Home Button Settings

  1. Go to the Chrome settings section called “Appearance”:
  2. Here, we are interested in the option “Show home button“. As mentioned earlier, it can have 3 states:
    • Disabled. The button is not displayed on the toolbar next to the address bar.
    • Enabled and simply opens a new tab.
    • Enabled and will open the required website address , which can be entered in the corresponding text field.
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